The Artificial Intelligence Act came into force in the EU in August 2024, defining four levels of risk for AI systems: unacceptable, high, limited and minimal. Eight practices are banned as ...
A Nemzeti Ipari Park ÜzemeltetÅ‘ és FejlesztÅ‘ Zrt. INPARK márkanéven vált ismerté a hazai ingatlanpicon, a hamarosan 10 éves ...
Alig egy hét múlva, 2025. március 5-én Palkovics László frissen kinevezett AI-kormánybiztos nyitja meg a Portfolio AI in ...
Bosch Ltd. key Products/Revenue Segments include Automotive Products, Consumer Durables, Others, Sale of services, Rental Income, Other Operating Revenue, Export Incentives, Scrap for the year ending ...