Looking for a place to store the website code for your small business, blog, or project? We tested the best free web hosting ...
Many these features seem really futuristic - but, historically, 40% of Adobe's 'Sneaks' make it to production.
A common complaint is that AI-generated pins are now dominating people's feeds. One Reddit post explains that the app is ...
After just nine years, Google is moving Assistant to the graveyard. Last fall, Google announced it was officially replacing ...
With Duck.ai, everything (even the slower models) is exponentially faster than what's on my desktop. If you're curious, I ...
Google says it's found a sweet spot between power and efficiency by employing the 'distillation' of neural nets.
Forget selecting text and clicking around formatting options - use markdown shortcuts instead. As someone who has been around ...
A Facebook spokesperson told TechCrunch that "story payouts will be driven by content performance, and creators can start ...
In a blog post titled "Crossing the Uncanny Valley of Conversational Voice," the company dropped a demo of its new AI that ...
While one company is in the pursuit of superintelligence, the other is not. What does this mean for their partnership?
Ready for crowdsourced fact-checking on Facebook, Instagram, and Threads? 200,000 people have sign up so far - and the ...