Bark beetle-infested spruce trees begin to dry out already before any visible signs of tree mortality appear, a recent study shows.
Stemming the Southern pine beetle onslaught is one way to limit the amount of dead trees that lead to new growth and more ...
Forest disturbance by bark beetles and other insects is a global issue expected to increase with the warming climate. Visitor aesthetic appreciation of these forests affected by infestations is an ...
More information: Samuli Junttila et al, Influence of bark beetle infestation on stem diameter dynamics, Trees, Forests and People (2025). DOI: 10.1016/j.tfp.2025.100777 ...
Bark beetle-infested spruce trees begin to dry out already before any visible signs of tree mortality appear, a recent study from the University of Eastern Finland shows. Led by Dr Samuli Junttila ...