Ein auf dem Herd vergessenes Essen sorgte am frühen Donnerstagmorgen für einen Einsatz der Balver Feuerwehr. Dabei musste die ...
„Es nehmen auch viele Kinder teil“, fügte Maria Jonen, Geschäftsführerin, hinzu. Jung und Alt schießen am Krumpaul jeweils 15 ...
Dieses Mal stimmten aber 17,2 Prozent für die Partei von Alice Weidel und verhalfen ihr damit auf den Zweitstimmen-Platz zwei ...
Augsburg / Düsseldorf. (PM MagentaSport / EM) Die Augsburger Panther gewinnen den Abstiegs-Krimi gegen die Düsseldorfer EG mit 5:1. Damit haben die Panther es vor dem letzten Spieltag in der eigenen H ...
GSC Game World commits to enhancing mod support for STALKER 2, appreciating modders' impact on the game's success. “We also promised more accessible and intuitive mod support for STALKER 2 - and ...
Trinity CineAsia has secured theatrical distribution rights for “Ne Zha 2” across 37 European territories, including the U.K., Ireland, Germany, France and Spain, from Beijing Enlight Media.
A Helldivers 2 developer recently hinted at an upcoming crossover event, stating that the studio was 'in the very early stages of something new.' Players speculate that a Warhammer 40K crossover ...
A recent leak from a fairly reliable source shows the potential banners for the upcoming Wuthering Waves 2.2 update. While Kuro Games has yet to reveal any new Resonator, the leaked information ...
The Wuthering Waves 2.2 update is expected to be released in the last week of March 2025. Kuro Games has announced on X that Cantarella will become playable in this game version. While the drip ...
You can find him on X @gamegriffin. Languages: English The Batman Part 2 is coming, but so far it's shrouded in mystery. What's the story, who's the villain, and when is it coming out? In this ...