which has been designed to accelerate the development of treatments by testing multiple drugs for individuals with ALS. Aural Analytics also intends to develop its Speech Vitals software for other ...
While the current go-to treatment is speech ... to decode someone's intended speech. Currently, BCI devices are only used on individuals with paralysis from ALS or stroke in the brainstem, which ...
The AR user interface for Axon-R for ALS patients. Image credit: Cognixion. Cognixion has taken its device further with an assistive AI system that can help patients produce speech more quickly.
Its lead product is NeuroNata-R (lenzumestrocel), the world’s first stem cell-based therapy for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). NeuroNata-R was approved as an orphan drug for the treatment ...
CNM-Au8 treatment using the same randomization ... 78% of participants across both groups received standard ALS background therapy (riluzole, edaravone, or both) at baseline.