ESG – tri nenápadné písmená, za ktorými sa skrývajú veľké veci. Pre niekoho povinnosť, pre iného prirodzená snaha o ...
Former President Rodrigo Duterte addressed the country shortly before his plane landed at the Rotterdam The Hague airport, ...
FORMER President Rodrigo Duterte said Filipinos need not worry, assuring that he is in good condition even following his ...
FPRRD has issued a statement, through a video, to his supporters back home in the Philippines. He assured Philippine military ...
Asus ExpertBook P5 nie je len obyčajným kancelárskym notebookom – je to technologicky vyspelé zariadenie, ktoré zvládne dlhé ...
Just before former President Rodrigo Duterte was taken into the International Criminal Court’s custody, he seemed to accept ...
Just before former President Rodrigo Duterte was taken into the International Criminal Court’s custody, he seemed to accept his fate, saying he would “take accountability for everything.” ...
Vice President Sara Duterte claimed that someone from her father’s inner circle betrayed him, leading to his arrest by Interpol upon his return to PH.
Európski lídri čelia novej realite: Spojené štáty už nemusia byť chrbtovou kosťou NATO. Aký zlý by bol tento scenár?
One of the factors that Kaila Estrada considered in portraying the character Max Alvero in “Incognito” was ensuring that the ...
Slovenský premiér Robert Fico sa podľa chorvátskych médií rozhodol postaviť si letný dom na Šibenickej riviére. Údajne má ...