Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mohan Yadav has said that the state exported goods worth USD 92.8 million to Japan in 2023-24 and expressed hope for important investments from Japan in Madhya Pradesh.
The Japanese network Fuji Television and its parent company say its president and chairperson are resigning immediately to ...
Generally, two possible diplomatic approaches to dealing with unpredictability are minimising it and making oneself unpredictable.
These relations contribute to stability in East Asia and worldwide, the member of Japan’s upper house of parliament said ...
PARIS – Kolor is closing a chapter. After 20 years, founder and designer Junichi Abe is stepping down as head designer of the ...
Comments from Abe Shinzo and his widow Abe Akie suggest that they saw cowardice lurking behind Trump’s bravado.
National Security Strategy called for an overhaul of Japan’s cybersecurity posture. This might be the year the legislation ...
Japan's concerns over a potential U.S. retreat from the region have grown amid China's increasingly assertive military posture.
Japanese Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba touted regional revitalization and stronger cooperation with local governments around ...
TOKYO (AP) — Japanese Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba, struggling to stabilize his minority government, said Friday he will ...
Japan's Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba stressed on Friday the importance of close ties with the United States for regional stability, as he seeks to arrange a meeting with President Donald Trump.