In yet another instance of the Centre denying international travel clearance to Punjab’s Ministers, the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) has refused permission to Agriculture Minister Gurmeet Singh ...
Darren Fletcher, Total Livestock Genetics, Glen Barrett, Jersey Australia, and Bruce Ronalds, ABS, discuss the latest ... about 12,000 of Holstein semen and 8000-10,000 units of other breeds.
Population: Approximately 1.3 million (Australian Bureau of Statistics [ABS] 2016). The Adelaide region is located ... including wine production, beef and dairy cattle, vegetable growing, and fruit ...
Learn more about buying and caring for miniature dairy cows from an experienced breeder. Small breeds are an easy entry into the world of dairy cattle. In 2006, Pat Schout and his wife ...
However, there have been no human fatalities due to HPAI contracted from dairy cattle. HPAI has been found in more than 200 mammals, such as seals, bears, and cats, since 2022, according to the CDC.
HOUSTON -- Authorities are working to round up loose cattle in the Houston, Texas area. The cows got just loose before noon on Monday. A caller reported seeing eight cows running through traffic ...
The Ministry of External Affairs has denied political clearance to Punjab Agriculture Minister Gurmeet Singh Khudian and his ...
A key factor in achieving sustainability lies in the health and nutrition of dairy cattle. By providing balanced diets tailored to the nutritional needs of livestock, dairy farmers can enhance ...
In 2022, political clearance was also denied to minister Aman Arora when he had sought permission to travel to Germany and Belgium The Tribune, now published from Chandigarh, started publication ...