Ukrajna agrárszektora 2024-ben kettÅ‘s kihívással nézett szembe: növekedett a globális szerepe, ugyanakkor egyre súlyosabbak a belföldi problémák. Az ország rekordszintű gabonaexportot ért el, ám a ...
Az International SOS tanácsadó cég minden évben közzétesz egy kockázati jelentést, melyben egészségügyi, éghajlati és biztonsági szempontok alapján értékeli az országokat az aktuális események ...
A montenegrói közszolgálati televízió (RTCG) internetes oldalának beszámolója szerint a férfit elsején súlyos, lÅ‘tt sérülésekkel szállították a klinikai központba, ahol többször is meg kellett műteni.
Protein folding is the process by which proteins achieve their mature functional (native) tertiary structure, and often begins co-translationally. Protein folding requires chaperones and often ...
A Japanese man was left fighting for his life when his chair collapsed and he was impaled by a metal pipe. The 51-year-old was sitting on a foldable chair at home when it crumbled, landing him ...
On 1 January, a 6-year-old girl died after her neck became caught in the folding mechanism of a table at her home in Nibong Tebal, Penang, reported Harian Metro. The incident occurred at 4.15pm while ...
The world’s first triple-screen foldable phone is expected to get a successor. The Huawei Mate XTs is anticipated to replace the Huawei Mate XT revealed in China last year, according to Fixed ...
The six-year-old is said to have been playing alone in the compound outside her home when tragedy struck, so it was not known how she had gotten her neck trapped in the folding table. Other family ...
The Galaxy S24 series saw a 17.85% sales increase (34.66M units) compared to the S23 series (29.41M units) from Jan-Nov. Despite Fold 6 growth, Flip 6 decline led to a 5.76% overall drop in Z ...
Az ég idén is vadászgépek és rakéták zúgásától volt hangos, a földön pedig lánctalpak dübörögtek, és bombák robbantak. A bolygó jelentÅ‘s részén továbbra is aktív fegyveres harcok dúlnak: polgárháborúk ...
Apple's foldable iPhone is reportedly set to debut in 2026, featuring a clamshell design with a screen expected to be larger than the iPhone 16 Pro Max screen. Listen to Story Apple is reportedly ...
Our Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 6 review and Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6 review will tell you we've been impressed by Samsung's foldable offerings this year, and now we have a better idea about what's ...