中国外交部长、中共中央政治局委员王毅星期三(2月12日)起前往英国等多国访问。王毅此行将与英国外交大臣大卫·拉米(David Lammy)会谈,被认为是两国关系改善的信号。然而,中国在伦敦兴建巨型大使馆的计划正遭遇民间反弹,加上中方无意根据英国政府条件更改设计,使争议愈演愈烈。
Hundreds of social homes in Tower Hamlets were sold through the Right to Buy scheme over the last five years, new figures show.
Office for Health Improvement and Disparities figures show 74% of 2,660 children aged between two and two-and-a-half in Tower Hamlets reached the expected standard when they were ...