India has mourned one of its longest-serving prime ministers, Manmohan Singh, with a state funeral in Delhi. Singh led the country from 2004 to 2014 and was considered the architect of India's economic liberalisation.
The 39th U.S. President, Jimmy Carter, died on December 29, shortly after the demise of the 13th Indian Prime Minister, Manmohan Singh, on December 26. Both leaders, known for their decency, had their contributions to history grossly underestimated.
Country announced seven-day mourning period and has cancelled all cultural and entertainment events in the coming week
Following the death of India's former prime minister Manmohan Singh on December 26, 2024, a picture of a man bowing to touch the feet of politician Sonia Gandhi surfaced in posts that falsely identified the man as Singh.
Manmohan Singh represented the best of the Indian middle class—what the middle class should be. Narendra Modi, by contrast, represents its worst instincts.
Usvatte-aratchi Manmohan Singh, a brilliant economist, distinguished public servant, and remarkable Minister of Finance and Prime Minister of India, died on December 27, and his body was disposed of with state honours.
The achievements of Manmohan Singh, who died at the age of 92 on December 26 2024, make him one of the most important policymakers of our era. Today’s economically dynamic India is his legacy. Almost as significant is the example he gave of intelligent,
Global media also reflects on India’s economic forecast amid disappointing indicators, a slowdown in earnings & doubts over Modi’s ambitious targets, forcing investors to rethink.
Even as the selection of a site of a memorial for former Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh, which sparked a massive political slugfest, is still underway, the Union government has decided to build one for ex-President Pranab Mukherjee.
Manmohan Singh, in his own words, was an ‘accidental’ finance minister. Narasimha Rao’s first choice as finance minister was I.G. Patel, a respected academic and economist. Patel declined, and suggested the name of Manmohan Singh.
CHANDIGARH: Leader of Opposition in Punjab legislative assembly and Senior Congress leader Partpal Singh Bajwa has suggested for a joint assembly resolution to
Next, India revealed its trump card, its Brahmastra. On July 17, 2013, Manmohan’s cabinet committee on security gave the green signal to raise an attack (strike) corps in the eastern sector, the first of its kind against the giant northern neighbour, at an expense of Rs64,000 crore. It would be pet-named Brahmastra Corps.