The sketch comedy show is celebrating 50 seasons with two documentaries and an upcoming prime-time special that reflect on its standing as an American institution.
There are books — the best of which is still “ Live From New York: An Uncensored History of Saturday Night Live ” — and countless movies, including a 2010 documentary and a 2024 feature, both titled “Saturday Night,” and a slew of comedies derived from popular “SNL” sketches, notably “The Blues Brothers” and “ Wayne’s World .”
Instead of being a comprehensive history, the docuseries examines cast member’s auditions, the writers’ room, the “More Cowbell” sketch, and the weird 11th season.
Four-part docuseries starts as a typical self-congratulatory tribute — then it drills down to specific highs and lows, and totally delivers the goods.
A treat for everyone who saw those early years, “Saturday Night” explains why some weeks are good and others aren’t. It also salutes the miracle of live television and the masterpiece Michaels created.