Current high school mathematics curricula often emphasize procedural knowledge and rote memorization, alienating students from the subject. This approach not only diminishes student enthusiasm but ...
The NCTM Research Conference will run concurrently with the NCTM Annual Meeting, starting Wednesday morning and running through Friday, to support Linking Research and Practice and increase ...
&amp ...
Where does math come from: from rules in a textbook? From logic and deduction? Not quite. In this talk Eugenia Cheng will argue that math comes from human curiosity – most importantly, from asking ...
Log in and then download this digital certificate of participation and self-document your participating hours. Your school or district determines the acceptance of ...
Math needs a better marketing team. As math educators, how can we show people that math is fun, surprising, and powerful? On social media, we can see many people engaging with math, so let’s learn ...
If you have experience and expertise on a particular topic in mathematics, consider becoming a speaker at an upcoming NCTM event. Being a speaker is a great way to increase your exposure and build ...
Observe another teacher. Pay particular attention to the questions the teacher asks the class and also individual students. Were the questions effective? How can you tell? Did the questions result in ...
There are many fun and innovative ways to celebrate Pi Day in your classroom and beyond—you probably already use it as a jumping-off point for key mathematical lessons. If you're in need of something ...
The purpose of this lesson is to use the geometry of regular polygons inscribed in and circumscribed about the unit circle to create an algorithm for generating the digits of π, known to be the area ...