The museum is open today from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM ...
Think ahead of everything you would like to do at the museum as any exit is final. Due to renovations, visiting the museum using the lifts will take longer than usual. Feel free to ask the museum ...
Whether you choose to support a 'Become a Patron!' campaign or other museum project at any time throughout the year, your donation, no matter how big or small, makes a difference.
Loan and long-term loan requests (2)Display:How to apply for a loan ...
Corporate sponsors and foundations - For more than 20 years, the Louvre has been forging ties with many private partners (2)Display:Become a patron of the Louvre ...
La entrada general incluye el acceso tanto a las colecciones permanentes como a las exposiciones temporales. Se recomienda reservar las entradas previamente por internet, inclusive si se tiene acceso ...
A ticket gives you access to the permanent collections and temporary exhibitions of the Louvre, as well as to the Eugène-Delacroix National Museum the same day and the day after your visit of the ...
A special reception area for groups is available beneath the Pyramid: personalised welcome by museum staff, rooms to prepare for your visit or take a break, large lockers to hold the personal ...
Play the video Présentation d'exposition : « L'Olympisme : une invention moderne, un héritage antique » ...
免费开放:每月(7月和8月除外)第一个周五18点起,每年7月14日法国国庆日 建议提前在www.ticketlouvre.fr网站预订门票 卢浮宫之友 成为卢浮宫之友协会会员 加入卢浮宫之友协会,可选择青年会员 ...
Accessibility - Plan your visit easily taking account of your access needs (5)Display:A museum accessible to all ...
Nuestra base de datos en línea contiene más de 500 000 entradas. Aquí podrás encontrar información sobre cualquier obra del Louvre o del Museo Nacional Eugène Delacroix. Dicha base se alimenta ...