Reading Frost requires a kind of modesty and curiosity. Coming to this modesty has been a big part of my own experience with him. At first, I was reading a lot of the poems and thinking, This is dumb.
Sometimes seen as the stuff of commencement addresses, his poems are hard to pin down—just like the man behind them.
A fond memory of the poet.
Take Robert Frost. The four-time-Pulitzer-winning poet ... By Woods On A Snowy Evening" - Frost is really the great American poet of winter. And winter for Frost is a psychological landscape ...
The Life of Robert Frost’s Poetry,” critic Adam Plunkett wrestles with how to fit the mercurial work (no American poet shifts tones so suddenly or subtly as Frost) with the mercurial life.
At the end of his life, Robert Frost was living in ... Pound reviewed the book for Poetry and praised Frost at the expense of American editors and readers in a way that Frost found tasteless.
The Wild Afterlife of Your Trash’ by Alexander Clapp “There is a reason why Mafia bosses tend to work in ‘waste management,’” ...
This quintessentially American artist has secured a reputation ... In his first book, “Love and Need: The Life of Robert Frost’s Poetry,” the literary critic Adam Plunkett interweaves ...
NEW YORK (AP) — Two months after her death, poet Nikki Giovanni has been awarded one of the ... First presented in 1930, the medal is named for Robert Frost and has been given to Wallace Stevens, ...