Emeritus Professor of University History Leen Dorsman describes something you must know about the long history of Utrecht University. This time: student housing.
Pediatric cancer is rare and encompasses many cancer entities. It is the lead cause of childhood mortality, even though there has been an increase in overall survival over the years. This increase in ...
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a complex and multifaceted illness possibly linked to many environmental factors. This thesis contributes to the existing knowledge on the role of environmental exposures ...
The burden of coronary heart disease (CHD) is increasing, and most of it is related to cardiovascular risk factors. Clinical guidelines recommend that CHD patients change health behaviors and use ...
PhD Defense: Optimization of central venous access care in pediatric oncology patients ...
De ICAFR zal plaatsvinden in Kristiansand, Norwegen van 2-4 Juni 2025. De deadline voor inzending van papers is 15 februari 2025.
On 2 October Prof. Detlef van Vuuren was awarded the 2024 Spinoza Prize at a ceremony in The Hague hosted by the Dutch Research Council NWO.
Dong Nguyen receives an ERC Starting Grant and will research how data diversity affects the quality and behavior of language models.
Professor Susan te Pas has been reappointed by the Executive Board as Dean of University College Utrecht (UCU), effective 1 October 2024. Te Pas has served as Dean at UCU since 2021.
Professor of German Ewout van der Knaap has been awarded the Bundesverdienstkreuz: a high German distinction. An interview about his commitment to German language and culture.
Paul ’t Hart would like to set up a national data infrastructure for the quality of government and an empowerment programme for young first-generation academics.
PhD Defense: Antithrombotic therapy in patients with suspected ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction ...