The ESP8266 is a chip that turned a lot of heads recently, stuffing a WiFi radio, TCP/IP stack, and all the required bits to get a microcontroller on the Internet into a tiny, $5 module.
Internet WiFi FM Radio/Built-in rechargeable battery: Long-lasting play time on Wi-Fi, with nicely fit strap, making it perfect for kitchen, garden or carry around in the house. Speedy power-to-play!
The distribution of audio broadcasts over the Internet. There are tens of thousands of Internet radio stations worldwide that can be streamed to a software media player in a computer, phone ...
Bring the nostalgic cassette tape vibe into the modern era with an internet radio housed in a tape case. There are instructions for building your own kit, including a transparent screen and ...
If you’re [Danko Bertović], the answer is the tiny Internet radio you can see in the Volos Projects video below. Of course, the core Internet streaming code would be useful with any ESP32 ...
Turn your Raspberry Pi into a powerful SDR platform with CaribouLite. Explore radio frequencies, decode signals, and optimize ...
Use precise geolocation data and actively scan device characteristics for identification. This is done to store and access ...
What's the difference between the radio business now and the radio business in 1996, 20 years ago, just as the internet was becoming popular? Unmacht: Ultimately, it's about audio. The internet ...
Radio Horton has introduced two wireless radios into departments in the Horton General Hospital, allowing more patients and ...
Wireless speakers and online streaming may be all the rage, but the humble radio isn't dead yet. In fact, DAB radios are ever-popular, with new models now boasting extra features such as Bluetooth, ...
Version 3 of Broadcasts, Steve Troughton-Smith’s Internet radio app and a Club MacStories Recommends pick, is out with an updated design, improved search, Shazam integration, and a URL scheme that ...