Cattivelli, an expert on the wheat genome, says the next chapter of the story deals with our immediate future; scientists must develop new varieties of wheat and other staple crops to meet the rapid ...
Perhaps you’ve read in a biology textbook that humans have the same number of genes as Caenorhabditis elegans, a worm used in ...
Wheat genetics are a record of the plant’s rich history; recent breakthroughs in sequencing are mapping its genome and revealing the potential for future resilience and nutritional improvements.
Ludhiana, hosted Bikram S. Gill, internationally acclaimed wheat cytogeneticist and genomic expert, for an engaging seminar ...
Genomic advances reveal how similar weeds can dominate wheat fields that are geographically ... In December 2023, an annotated blackgrass genome was published by Rothamsted, Clemson University ...
China issued guidelines on Friday to promote biotech cultivation, focusing on gene-editing tools and developing new wheat, corn, and soybean varieties, as part of efforts to ensure food security and ...
A study has identified a wheat nucleotide-binding and leucine-rich repeat (NLR) gene pair, RXL and Pm5e, that confers resistance to the devastating wheat powdery mildew disease.
“We know the sequences of the genome of malaria, but we don’t know the function of the proteins,” Takashima says. Takashima and colleagues are now using the wheat germ cell-free system to ...
Ludhiana, hosted Bikram S. Gill, internationally acclaimed wheat cytogeneticist and genomic expert, for an engaging seminar ...