An unmarked vireo, the warbling is most often located by its song, which it delivers for hours. The birds tend to work mid and top parts of broad, leafy trees. Polytypic. Length 5.5". Among the ...
This is a large, colorful vireo and a strong, though slow-paced, singer. It moves sluggishly, which combined with its camouflaged coloration, can make it difficult to locate high in the leaves of ...
A rare bird that numbered in the hundreds in ... According to Serrano, two nesting pairs of Least Bell's Vireo were seen at ...
Although it is federally protected and there has been an important surge in the least Bell's vireo population in Southern California, the bird remains susceptible to habitat destruction from the likes ...
After a mate is selected and a low-lying, open-cup nest is constructed by the pair ... POPULATION TREND: Once described as one of the most abundant birds in the state of California, the least Bell's ...