The Utah Hockey Club filed a trademark extension for the name Mammoth. A Deseret News poll found Utahns favor the name ...
Notably, that list includes the Utah Yeti and Yetis, which is known as a fan — and organization — favorite. Where does Utah go from here? How does the timeline for a name announcement change?
Utah made its big debut in the National Hockey League, adding a new team to the league and a new reason for fans to get excited.
The Utah Hockey Club is close to deciding on its official name. Their first regular season is coming to a close, and the club ...
The Utah Hockey Club has reportedly chosen its new nickname and it seems pretty clear on what it is. More below: ...
Utah Hockey Club will not be moving forward with "Yeti" or "Yetis" as its team nickname and will hold an in-arena fan vote to pick a new one. The team expects to announce a permanent name and ...
The Utah Hockey Club has chosen its new nickname and some believe they have figured it out. The Utah Hockey Club has ...
Wednesday, it was announced that Utah Wasatch was the name added to replace Utah Yeti after it no longer could be used due to trademark hurdles. But now, Utah Hockey Club said they’re listening ...
Utah’s NHL franchise has officially moved on from the “Yeti” name after facing trademark roadblocks and will now let fans decide between the three finalists for a nickname in an in-arena vote.
Eventually, Utah narrowed it down to six names for phase two of the process. Names included Hockey Club, Mammoth, Venom, Yeti, Blizzard, and Outlaws. Now with the start of phase three, fans will ...
The patent office said that "Utah Yeti" also wouldn't be accepted because "the singular or plural form of a registered mark is essentially identical in sound, appearance, meaning, and commercial ...