When Tony Stark is presumed dead after the conclusion of the second superhero Civil War, Doom takes the opportunity to redeem his past by paying tribute to someone he had been working closely with.
The image is immediately recognizable as the PietÀ, the scene where the Virgin Mary holds the dead body of her son, only this time it's Spider-Man holding the body of Tony Stark. "Civil War II ...
The MCU was created when Robert Downey Jr. ’s Tony Stark came on the scene and proclaimed “I am Iron Man,” in the final ...
Joe and Anthony Russo have looked back at being tasked with convincing Robert Downey Jr. to return to the MCU for Captain ...
Unfortunately, with Bucky blipped out of existence during the events of Avengers: Infinity War and Tony sacrificing his own ...
The Russo brothers recently opened up when they pitched the idea to let Robert Downey Jr.’s character feature in Captain America.