The Midas cichlid fish from the crater lakes of Nicaragua are one of the the best known examples for sympatric speciation. They evolved from a source population into a variety of independent ...
Nature 441: 210-213. Schliewen UK, Tautz D, Paabo S. 1994. Sympatric speciation suggested by monophyly of crater lake cichlids. Nature 368: 629-632. *Schluter, D. 2001. Ecology and the origin of ...
A compelling example is related to the explosive radiation of cichlid fishes ... Grahame, J. W. Sympatric, parapatric or allopatric: The most important way to classify speciation?
Indeed, African cichlids are famous for their rapid speciation, as scientists have described some 1,700 species and are continuing to discover more. (Of these, many are found only in a single lake, ...