31% of weekly podcast consumers said they used YouTube the most for podcast listening, while 21% said Spotify and 12% selected Apple Podcasts. Still, Spotify is embracing its rival to help its ...
As AI music continues to flood the internet, streaming services are challenged with curbing its fast-growing risks. How are top services handling it?
The Rise of Spotify and the Costs of the Perfect Playlist, a new book from the journalist Liz Pelly, the playlist is the ...
But episode #1757 of the 'JRE' with American virologist and immunologist Dr. Robert Malone has been removed from YouTube ...
Your music streaming could be better. With apps like Stats.fm, Discoverify, and PlaylistAI, you can improve your Spotify ...
The stock can also be valued using the price-to-sales (P/S) ratio, which divides a company's market capitalization by its annual revenue. Spotify's P/S ratio just hit a new all-time high of 7.8, which ...