"A new species develops if a population which has become geographically isolated from its parental species acquires during this period of isolation characters which promote or guarantee reproductive ...
How do new species form? Like most areas of Evolutionary Biology, research related to the formation of new species - 'speciation ' - is rich in historical and current debate. Here, we review both ...
** I expect you to read: Avise, J.C. 2004. Chapter 7: Speciation and hybridization. In Molecular Markers, Natural History and Evolution (2nd edn.). Chapman and Hall, New York. Having at least briefly ...
In natural populations, the mechanisms of evolution do not act in isolation. This is crucially important to conservation geneticists, who grapple with the implications of these evolutionary ...
It's a bit like a character in a movie going off and having adventures that change him so drastically that when he returns, the folks in his hometown no longer recognize the way he looks and behaves.
Hybridization, speciation, evolutionary ecology, and population genomics (primarily of birds). My research applies genomics and field experiments to natural hybrid zones and closely related taxa in ...
Rising mountains do more than reshape the landscape – they also drive evolutionary change, according to a new study. By simulating millions of years of tectonic uplift, researchers have uncovered a ...