You can usually find Trashley Reelpearson in an alley behind the Sarpong household in the Iverstad neighborhood of Nordhaven.
Businesses and Hobbies expansion pack, the Pottery skill is introduced, offering a creative outlet for Sims who love crafting ...
After revealing the upcoming Businesses and Hobbies expansion pack for The Sims 4, EA is posting new sneak peeks of the DLC – and one might just point toward the return of an NPC known well by ...
Trashley Certified Art is a collection of base game art that’s been modified by Trashley Reelpearson exclusively for ...
Getting robbed is the latest popular feature to be reintroduced into The Sims 4, because Simmers really are a weird bunch sometimes.
The Sims 4 has rolled out a free update bringing the Burglar back to the franchise. The Burglar NPC featured in the first ...
Burglars are something of an icon in The Sims, sneaking around causing mayhem since the very first game. Each installment of The Sims has eventually added these thieves, who come in the night to ...
This guide covers how to find Trashely Reelpearson, a shady NPC from The Sims 4: Businesses and Hobbies expansion pack.
The Sims 4’s Businesses & Hobbies Expansion Pack has introduced a mysterious NPC named Trashley Reelperson and here’s where you can find them.