When I heard that a previously unpublished poem by Robert Frost had been discovered, I was skeptical. I know Frost’s poetry well, having written “Robert Frost: A Life” and, quite recently ...
Nevertheless, for this poem, and for the first time in his career, Frost got paid—$15, by the editor of a New York weekly called The Independent. “On reading ‘My Butterfly,’ ” Adam Plunkett writes in ...
Sometimes seen as the stuff of commencement addresses, his poems are hard to pin down—just like the man behind them.
Take Robert Frost. The four-time-Pulitzer-winning ... And he wrote a whole series of wonderfully short, aphoristic poems. They're very brief. They're tight. They're rueful, full of sadness ...
“The World After Gaza,” “Cold Kitchen,” “Victorian Psycho,” and “Code Noir.” ...
Frost's most famous poem is misread as a celebration of American nonconformists, writes SU professor. To true nonconformists, it would have evoked the era's racial violence.