which may reveal why modern giraffes are so throaty. “Discokeryx has extreme morphologies of the head and neck adapted for head-butting behavior,” study coauthor and paleontologist Jin Meng tells ...
Male giraffes have longer necks than females ... Cavener and his colleagues discovered that the males fell short. "What we found was pretty surprising, which was that females have proportionately ...
If life has been a little short on laughs lately ... 15 giraffe memes that prove laughter is the best neck-stretcher… er, medicine. Giraffes teach us that it’s okay to be awkward, stand ...
Animation describing the evolution of the giraffe. Sam, a young tortoise, wishes he had a longer neck to reach the nicest leaves. Grandad Charlie tells Sam a story about giraffes. Long ago ...
SAM: Ooh! Those leaves look so yummy! Ooh… I wish I had a longer neck so I could reach them! GRANDDAD: Long, long ago, that's exactly what the giraffe said. SAM: Did they? GRANDDAD: Oh ...