In his tribute, Bollywood star Akshay Kumar said Saroj Khan made dance look easy. She did. She could make anyone dance even if they had two left feet.
particularly under Saroj Khan's guidance, was a nerve-wracking experience. Khan's critique of her shoulder movements, comparing them to Sunny Deol's, added to her anxiety, making structured dance ...
choreographed dance and maths exams! They both give me as much of a ‘wake up with a cold sweat’ kind of a feeling.” She went on to add, "Saroj [Khan] Ji was the choreographer, and I remember ...
Mandira Bedi talks about being compared to Sunny Deol by the late choreographer Saroj Khan on her dance moves from DDLJ. In a candid conversation with Kareena Kapoor on the talk show What Women ...
She explained that working with Saroj Khan, the legendary choreographer ... it is about two things – choreographed dance and maths exams. They both give me cold sweat," she recalled.