(CNN)-- A lawyer for Roger Clemens strongly denies the seven-time Cy Young Award winner used steroids to pump up his body and his pitching statistics. Clemens, considered a shoo-in for the ...
Former Yankees pitcher Roger Clemens is not yet in the Baseball ... his former trainer also said that he injected Clemens with steroids and HGH from 1998 to 2001, though he never officially ...
Right-handed pitcher Roger Clemens spent four years playing for ... as he was accused of having used anabolic steroids in the latter years of his career. This resulted in a trial, and though ...
Barry Bonds has the most homers in MLB history, Mark McGwire was the first man to his 62 in a season, and pitcher Roger Clemens has seven Cy Youngs. But they are not in because they took steroids ...
a decision that could make it harder to gain entry to Cooperstown for steroids-tainted stars such as Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens. Any candidate on the eight-person ballot who receives fewer than ...