November óta már nem Guller Zoltán a Digitális Magyarország Ügynökség (DMÜ) vezérigazgatója. A változást nem verték nagydobra ...
Hat évbe telt, de utolérte a végzet Rogán Antalt: az Egyesült Államok kemény szankciót vetett ki Orbán Viktor egyik legfontosabb emberére. Az úgynevezett globális Magnitsky-törvény alapján hozott bünt ...
The official, Antal Rogan, has a powerful portfolio in Orban’s administration. He oversees the security services and holds sway over the state media apparatus, which has helped the premier ...
The US Treasury has imposed sanctions on Antal Rogan, one of the most powerful men in Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban's Fidesz government and the minister in charge of his cabinet office.
The United States Treasury Department has sanctioned the head of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s Cabinet office, Antal Rogán, for his alleged involvement in corruption. Washington accuses ...
The US Treasury Department has imposed sanctions on Antal Rogan, a senior Hungarian government official and one of Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orbán's closest associates. Source: a statement by ...