Reading Frost requires a kind of modesty and curiosity. Coming to this modesty has been a big part of my own experience with him. At first, I was reading a lot of the poems and thinking, This is dumb.
The Wild Afterlife of Your Trash’ by Alexander Clapp “There is a reason why Mafia bosses tend to work in ‘waste management,’” ...
as Frost, who had every reason to veil his sexual velleities for his friend’s wife when he wrote about them in public, would ...
A fond memory of the poet.
My personal statement for my college applications was about Robert Frost’s poem “The Road Not Taken.” One of my favorite ...
I was surprised that, in her review of a new book on Robert Frost, Abigail Deutsch refers to the poet as a “terrifying man” (Books, Feb. 22). That doesn’t track with my own experience.
He focuses instead on the poetry, which he rightly characterizes as being at heart about the ambiguity of human motives. In Plunkett, “Frost has found an ideal biographer,” one who’s ...