It's hard to miss acid-green arrows screaming through a grey British sky. Ear-splitting and eye-watering, the long tails and bright colours of ring-necked parakeets are becoming more familiar across ...
Take a look! Polly, a Lesser Sulphur Crested Cockatoo, and Rio, an Indian Ring-necked Parakeet, are quite the duo, and every video we see of the two birds playing brings a smile to our faces ...
On one hand, it's amazing to have an animal that you can actually talk to, and we've been able to learn so much about parrot cognition this way. On the other hand, well... parrots aren't always the ...
It was still an hour before the 2024 pheasant season would open but the birds were there and they were ready. Cackles and ...
Ring-necked parakeets, despite being native to sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia, have found home in Southwest London and Surrey. Also known as rose-ringed parakeets, these birds can be spotted by ...
"Attached are two photos from January 8 2025 of parakeets in a cherry tree in the back garden," he said. According to Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, and Oxfordshire Wildlife Trust, the ring-necked ...