Don't waste your money sending money to a bank with RIA. Go with Western Union and you'll receive it instantly. With RIA it'll take 24-48 hrs. To get your money. There's a reason that family sends ...
Al-Arafah Islami Bank PLC (AIB PLC) has officially launched its operations with Ria Money Transfer, one of the world’s leading remittance companies at the head office of the bank.  The launching ...
adding consistency to the brand’s formerly mixed messaging and visuals Ria Money Transfer has been handling money transfers since 1987, when it opened its first tiny outpost in New York City.
MANILA, Philippines — E-wallet giant GCash is making further efforts to widen its overseas presence, this time teaming up with Ria Money Transfer, one of the biggest cash remittance platforms in ...
GCash, the Philippines’ leading finance app and largest cashless ecosystem, teamed up with Ria Money Transfer, one of the world’s largest cross-border ...
has partnered with RIA Money Transfer to provide Filipinos with a faster, more convenient and more secure way to send money abroad. PalawanPay, through its partnership with RIA Money Transfer, enables ...
The strategic partnership between Ria Money Transfer and Tenpay Global amplifies the reach of cross-border payments between China and the rest of the world, boosting access to secure and convenient ...
GCash said sending money to its platform via Ria means receiving the funds in real time anytime and anywhere. Further, Ria promises one of the lowest service fees, benefiting OFWs who remit cash ...