In the Pokémon Go Legendary Flight event, the Kanto birds have returned for their Dynamax debut, but they won’t stick around ...
The Galarian Zigzagoon was introduced in 2020 and has a shiny variant from May 2021. A Pokemon GO player has gotten an incredibly rare Galarian Zigzagoon that's shiny and nundo. Pokemon GO players ...
Roselia, the thorn Pokémon from Hoenn, can be found in the wild in Pokémon Go. Yes, Roselia can be shiny in Pokémon Go!
Get ready for Pokemon GO's Road to Unova event with our guide covering all raids, research rewards, exclusive moves, and ...
You also have the Hatch pass ($4,99, which gives trainers Timed Research Rewards to get regional Unova Pokémon like Maractus, ...
When you’re on the catch screen, watch how Dialga moves. It likes to hang out in the middle of the screen and has a simple ...
To get Grafaiai in Pokémon Go, you must evolve Shroodle with 50 Candy.
You will now be able to encounter Shiny Shadow Ho-Oh in Pokémon GO with a newly announced Shadow Legendary Raid Day event.
Taken Over event brings a surprising change to the Shadow Pokemon lineup thanks to this Go Rocket Grunt change ...
Yes, Shadow Snivy can be shiny in Pokemon GO. Shiny Shadow Pokemon are rare, so encountering one adds extra excitement to the grind of battling Team GO Rocket Grunts. While purifying Shadow Snivy ...
A disappointed Pokemon Go player highlighted a massive issue with paid Mythical encounters that reward trainers with bad rating creatures.