Pokémon the Series: Ruby and Sapphire, also sometimes known as Advanced Generation after the Japanese title, was the first series to follow the original series after its conclusion. It shook up ...
Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire was released in Japan on November 21, 2002, and came to the rest of the world the following year. Critics and fans adored these entries giving praise to the new features ...
Pokemon's mainline titles have always been criticized for their lack of plot. With many games in focusing on the creatures and the franchise's formulaic objectives, the story often takes a backseat, ...
A gamer completes the Pokedex in Pokemon Ruby after 19 years by obtaining the last pocket monster that they needed to capture ...
There are new Mega Pokemon on the way! Here is a Top 10 list from The Game Haus of Mega Pokemon that should get added in ...
The first fully 3D generation of Pokémon, generation 6 launched with X and Y, two good but ultimately unexciting games, and ended with Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire. Those latter two games are ...