The pairs of chromosomes that have been replicated are called sister chromatids, and they remain joined at a central point called the centromere. A large structure called the mitotic spindle also ...
View Full Profile. Learn about our Editorial Policies. One reason scientists remained unaware of the rich diversity of centromeres was because of how tough they are to sequence. “In fact, most people ...
Michael Lampson, PhD is a cell biologist at the University of Pennsylvania. His research group focuses on cell division, centromere function in the germline, and the cell biology of meiotic drive.
Researchers propose a two-step regulatory mechanism for non-Rabl configurations of centromeres in the nucleus. Centromeres are chromosomal domains that link pairs of sister chromatids together during ...
are highly condensed and still attached to one another at a point called the centromere. Human chromosomes can be differentiated from one another under a microscope by their lengths and by the ...