A garden filled with herbs can mean a home filled with wonderful scents and flavors. This herb has many benefits, and it's ...
You can save money by growing your own dill, and it’s a great addition to your kitchen garden. Let’s look at how to do this and get the best results. Dill has many culinary uses, and there are ...
Cabbage ( Brassica oleracea var. capitata) is a versatile vegetable—it's a beautiful addition to a garden and a tasty ...
Because life isn’t all peas and carrots, companion planting is just as effective in your ornamental beds and borders as with your vegetables.
disguising the scent of the anticipated host plant. Examples of how companion planting can assist gardeners include planting dill and basil with tomatoes to protect against tomato and tobacco ...
Herbs enjoy sun all day and need at least six hours of direct sun to produce high amounts of flavorful oils. Many herbs ...
Dill and basil are both good choices for the ... Fortunately, Dr. David Clark, a plant breeder at the University of Florida, developed a downy mildew-resistant variety called ‘Amazel’ basil.
Traditional companion planting ... parsley, borage, dill and chives. Annual flowers can be planted in the beds around vegetables. In the Master Gardener Vegetable and Fruit Demonstration Garden (VFDG) ...
Herbs for a sunny spot include lavender, fennel, dill, sage, lemongrass ... starting indoors), and it grows into a nice healthy plant. One thing about growing basil is that if you want it to ...