Smaller gas giants are less likely to survive in such systems, surrounded by clashing planetary titans. With their lower ...
A very rare treat is about to grace Earth's night skies.
Six planets will all be visible at once in the night sky this month, lined up across the sky—but one is set to disappear from view.
For most of January, four of the eight planets in our solar system (sorry, Pluto) will be visible if the sky is clear enough ...
Sky gazers will get a peek at what has been called a "parade of planets," where this time around, up to seven planets may ...
There are eight official planets (sorry, Pluto) in our solar system: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and ...
An event called a "ring plane crossing" will occur between Saturn and Earth on March 23, 2025, when Saturn's rings will ...
The BepiColombo spacecraft has sent back some incredibly detailed images of Mercury’s north pole. The snapshots were ...
The newcomer replacing Pluto presently goes by “Planet Nine.” If and when it finally shows up, it will get the honor of a ...
To have four bright planets visible in the winter night sky is a cool skywatching event to share with friends and family.
A few decades ago, the Solar System had nine planets, but in 2006 the International Astronomical Union reclassified Pluto as ...