Myofascial release (massage) and dry needling (both options are used to release tight muscles and facia that contribute to pelvic floor tension) Pelvic floor relaxation or stretching exercises ...
A weak pelvic floor is a common condition; some risk factors are age, pregnancy, chronic constipation and coughing. Working ...
Disruptions in the fascia due to faulty movements, injury or even compensatory habits can inhibit pelvic floor healing.
Conversely, others believe that failure to repair a lax but asymptomatic posterior pelvic-floor defect may cause ... The underlying rectum and fascia are then dissected, both sharply and bluntly ...
All pelvic prolapse conditions and urethral hypermobility result from a phenomenon called pelvic-floor relaxation. The pathophysiology of this relaxation can often be linked to multiparity, muscle ...