Then, out of nowhere an orca shoots like a torpedo out of the water and grabs ahold of one of the unsuspecting sea lions. Well, that is exactly what happened. Watch this footage that clearly shows ...
“I happened to look back over my shoulder, and there was a whale with their head out of the water, with a limp fish draped across their head.” Giles was unable to tell if the orca was ...
On Sunday, a group of spectators off the coast of Seattle were treated to another, rare orca hunting behavior as ... seemingly to take a bite out of its aviation population. Video recorded by ...
Boaters in the eastern Mediterranean Sea recently happened upon a rare pod of false killer whales, video footage shows. A group of friends were sailing near Tel Aviv, Israel, in the early morning ...
False killer whales - which are in fact a dolphin - are typically deep-sea dwellers, and are one of the rarest marine mammals ...
The next day, the same pod were seen at Duke Point in Nanaimo.
Sightings of orca can be reported to the DOC by calling 0800 DOC HOT (0800 362 468), or by filling out an online form.
After five seasons of orca interactions through the Bay of Biscay – with several resulting in yachts being sunk – the ...
But Campbell River is situated in a special place in terms of wildlife in and out of the water—Aboriginal Journeys also features grizzly bear tours. Henkel, however, said the only orca sighting ...
“He first saw a big orca with a massive fin and a baby with it.” Morris said the duo decided to get out of the water swiftly, mindful of the importance of staying clear of marine animals like ...