Little remains of the ancient city ... return with the shield, victorious; or return lying on it, dead. A prolific writer on Sparta and Athens, Antonio Penadés teaches Greek History at the ...
In ancient times, Greece wasn't a single country like it is today. It was made up of lots of smaller states. These states were always squabbling and often went to war. Sparta and Athens fought a ...
Inward-looking and self-sufficient, the Spartans were the most feared hoplites (infantrymen) in all Greece ... to return without a shield and not without a helmet, the Spartan king, Demaratos ...
About 100 Ohio Army National Guard members deployed Sunday to the U.S. Central Command’s area of responsibility in support of Operation Spartan Shield. The public attended a call to duty ...
In ancient times, Greece wasn't a single country like it is today. It was made up of lots of smaller states. These states were always squabbling and often went to war. Sparta and Athens fought a ...