A soldier was recognized over the weekend. Cipriano DelBosque, “Cip” to his friends, was awarded the Bronze Star Medal for ...
1992. D 1.2: P 43 WIU (v. 1,2,3) Dependence on the Persian Gulf A revealing study conducted prior to the Operation Desert Shield/Storm campaigns that reports on the vulnerability and dependence of the ...
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – February 28 marked the 34th anniversary of the end of Desert Storm. Desert Storm was known as the ...
Cipriano DelBosque, “Cip” to his friends, was awarded the Bronze Star Medal for bravery from his actions while serving in the U.S. Army during Operation Desert Storm. That it took 34 years to ...
Cipriano DelBosque was awarded the Bronze Star Medal for his bravery during Operation Desert Storm. DelBosque's actions included guiding Kuwaiti refugees through a minefield and providing medical ...