which may reveal why modern giraffes are so throaty. “Discokeryx has extreme morphologies of the head and neck adapted for head-butting behavior,” study coauthor and paleontologist Jin Meng tells ...
Luckily for this giraffe, rangers do not believe there is a big risk of the disease spreading too quickly and currently have no plans to euthanise it. However, there is currently no treatment for ...
Unlike humans, giraffe cervical vertebrae are attached to each other with ball and socket joints, making them able to bend their necks in ways no other animal can. When they lie down, they fold ...
Oh, no! They haven't left me anything to eat ... GRANDDAD: And she was right. With her longer neck, the giraffe could reach the juicy leaves on the high branches. She didn't get as hungry as ...
Although male and female giraffes have the same body proportions at birth, they are significantly different as they reach sexual maturity. Females have proportionally longer necks and longer ...
A Michigan taxidermist transporting a stuffed giraffe in his pick-up truck on a busy road alarmed motorists who spotted the exotic animal’s long neck eerily ... it’s no different than leather.
Description: The tallest land mammal, with a neck as long as 6 feet, the giraffe is also well known for the unique brown and white pattern on its coat (“pelage”) and its lengthy eyelashes and legs.
Known for their 6-foot-long necks, distinctive patterning and long eyelashes, giraffes have always captured the human imagination. These amazing African animals have the highest blood pressure among ...
Animation describing the evolution of the giraffe. Sam, a young tortoise, wishes he had a longer neck to reach the nicest leaves. Grandad Charlie tells Sam a story about giraffes. Long ago ...