A carriage horse fell in the middle of a busy New York City street on Wednesday, prompting organizations to speak out against the use of carriage horses in the city. The New York City Police ...
referring to a July 2022 news story about a New York City carriage horse that collapsed in Central Park during a heat wave. Peláez named several U.S. cities that have outlawed horse-drawn ...
Central Park may be about to reenact the transition from horse-drawn to horseless carriage as the four-footed form of horsepower is replaced by electric motors. The organization NY CLASS (New ...
The animal protection movement in America ignited 150 years ago over the issue of carriage horse abuse, yet the City of New York continues to allow it to persist today. The American people will no ...
In April 2020, the Chicago City Council overwhelmingly voted in favor of banning horse-drawn carriages, beginning in 2021. Legislation continues to be introduced in New York City to end horse-drawn ...
"These people are legends in their city." He explained how their entire livelihood depended on managing these horse carriages because some of them had been doing it for generations. He said these ...
As "unsung heroes" of Central Park, the carriage horses received equine versions of Hawke & Co.'s signature orange puffer jacket.