Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau, Chief Rabbi of Tel Aviv and former Chief Rabbi of Israel, was presented with Dvar Malchus, a collection of the Rebbe’s insights on the Rambam’s Laws of Kings.
Rabbi Pinchas Winston from www.ThirtySix.org joins Tamar and says that though the Moshaich (Messiah) can come at any time, with the way current events are unfolding, the Moshiach could come this year!
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As the band sings “Moshiach! Moshiach!” Shaq and seemingly diminutive guests dance in a small circle, beaming. At one point, a man in a white dress shirt gives the Diesel a big hug.
Rabbi Yosef Braun, member of the Crown Heights Din, delivered a late-night shiur about Geula and Moshiach at Beis Midrash Oholei Torah on Sunday.