With the newest set of cards around the corner, Wizards of the Coast have begun teasing details. Here's what we know so far, ...
This awesome reprint just gave Commander players a reason to buy Tarkir Dragonstorm - Craterhoof Behemoth is back in Standard ...
The Gathering’s big crossovers with things like Final Fantasy and Spider-Man might be stealing the spotlight lately, the next ...
The Gathering x Final Fantasy card Zell Dincht has a type of mana acceleration we've never seen in Red before.
The Gathering Final Fantasy card shows the set understands its source material by recreating a famous FF6 moment.
SpongeBob SquarePants is the latest pop-culture collab coming to the card game, with a wink at its internet infamy beyond the ...
The first sneak peak into MTG Marvel's Spider-Man shows Venom, Doc Ock, and Green Goblin appearing in upcoming set.
The Gathering (MTG) sets have always played a crucial role in not only enhancing the aesthetic appeal of the card game, but ...
Final Fantasy is easily one of the biggest crossovers we've ever seen for Magic: The Gathering ... Final Fantasy's official spoiler season is still weeks away, with Tarkir: Dragonstorm coming ...
It's MTG Final Fantasy spoilers season. Both FF and Magic fans have been eagerly anticipating the crossover between the beloved Square Enix series and one of the best card games since it was ...
Magic: The Gathering players are currently busy mastering the Limited and Constructed formats at Strixhaven, but the next Standard legal set's spoiler season is just around the corner. As part of ...
Did you see our reveal of Magic: The Gathering’s Final Fantasy crossover last week and think to yourself, “video games are all well and good, but where are the superheroes?” Well then do I ...