The Apple TV+ series follows a group of employees at the mysterious Lumon who underwent a procedure that “severs” their consciousness so one version of themselves is constantly at work and ...
On the surface, "Lumon is Listening" is clearly meant to make the innies feel like they have a voice at the company, and convince them that Lumon is willing to hear their concerns and improve ...
The Innies are back at Lumon. Why or how we don’t exactly know, but we do know the company is claiming to take the “Macrodat Uprising” very seriously. Lumon has implemented major reforms to ...
In the broad overview, “Severance” follows a number of employees at the mysterious Lumon corporation. Lumon radiates cult-like energy as it constantly praises the ideals of it’s founder Kier ...
It might be teasing what Lumon is ultimately working towards. While Theodore Shapiro’s Severance theme song has stayed the same in season two, the art of Oliver Latta (a.k.a. EXTRAWEG ...