only to sleep in a tiny bunk bed.' Even that represented something of a coup. One woman to whom Radeva got chatting had planned to travel back to her native Hungary via London; instead ...
He then ran to his sons' bedroom and found their bodies lying side-by-side on their lower bunk bed ... a senior Crown prosecutor in the CPS London Homicide Unit, said: "Our thoughts remain ...
A mother who drowned her two young sons in the bath and left the bodies in a bunk bed for their father to ... Dagenham, east London, in December 2022. She claimed it was 'an accident' but ...
A CANNABIS addict mum has been found guilty of murdering her two sons then leaving their bodies in a bunk ... East London. The 47-year-old then barricaded the door to their bedroom using her ...
Kara Alexander, 47, of Dagenham, east London, was accused of murdering ... the boys’ bodies together in the lower bunk of their shared bunk bed dressed in pyjamas. The ambulance service and ...
A mother has been found guilty of murdering her two sons, aged five and two, in their east London home, leaving their bodies in their bunk beds for their father to find. Kara Alexander ...
A mother has been found guilty of murdering her two sons, aged five and two, in their east London home, leaving their bodies in their bunk beds for their father to find. Kara Alexander, 47, either ...