Liam Neeson has starred in several famous movie franchises, but there was one that he decided to turn down. The role ended up ...
The Oscar-winning actor is one of the busiest in Hollywood, taking on role after role. Yet there is one part Liam Neeson ...
As a famous Key & Peele speech memorably emphasized, Liam Neeson is a beloved modern action movie institution. Once known for his gravitas-infused portrayals of historical figures, 2009’s Taken ...
The actor is known for his highly physical roles in action movies. “I’m 72—it has to stop at some stage,” Neeson admitted. The star performs his own fight sequences, but his longtime ...
Whether he's taking down Albanian thugs or big-city mayors, the soulful Irishman picks his fights (and his roles) with care. At 64, he still knows how to throw a punch. Neeson carries this mug ...
Liam Neeson is one of the most famous actors in the world. Born on June 7, 1952, in Ballymena, a small town in Northern Ireland, his career spans over four decades. During this time, he has become ...