When ready, ladle into sterile jars, seal, and invert for 2 minutes only. Recipe from Putting Up More by Stephen Palmer Dowdney/Gibbs Smith, 2011.
The main season for these elegant mandarin-lemon hybrids runs through March. Time enough for a few more pitchers of Meyer lemonade and this “marmalade” recipe (actually, a delicious purée ...
Introducing this scaldingly good lemon cake to rock your weekend. It’s a zippy tray-bake recipe that is, at once, sweet and sour with a spicy swoosh of ricotta. In place of flour, we are ...
Slice the peel finely or coarsely, depending on how you like your marmalade. Put the peel, orange and lemon juice, bag of pips and water into a non-reactive bowl or saucepan overnight. Next day ...
If the full quantity of kaffir lines is not available, top up the weight with a lemon or two ... Boil rapidly until the marmalade reaches setting point, (104°C). Ensure the marmalade does ...